Please take a comfortable position. Take and maintain your spine erect. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through the center of your lips as effortlessly as possible. Carry out five breaths like this.
Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through the center of your lips with mental chanting of AUM. Carry out five breaths like this.
Five diaphragm breaths: Breathe out fully. Gracefully breathe in allowing only your belly to project forward and downward. Please make sure there is no chest or shoulder breathing. Then, breathe out gently letting the stomach recede. Please carry out five breaths in the same way, gracefully and gracefully.
Five chest breaths: Breathe out fully. Gracefully breathe in allowing only your chest to expand forward. Please make sure there is no diaphragm or shoulder breathing. Then, breathe out gently letting the chest collapse. Please carry out five breaths in the same way, gracefully and gently.
Five shoulder breaths: Breathe out fully. Gracefully breathe in allowing only the shoulder and neck region to expand upward. Please make sure there is no diaphragm or chest breathing. Then, breathe out gently letting your shoulder and neck region collapse. Please carry out five breaths in the same way, gracefully and gently.
Five full, total uniform breaths: Breathe out fully. Gracefully breathe in allowing first your belly to expand, then your chest and finally your shoulder and neck region. Carry out continuously. Then, breathe out gently letting your shoulder and neck region collapse, then your chest, and finally your belly recede. Continuously, please carry out five breaths in the same way, gracefully and gently.
Five tranquil breaths: Carry out total full breaths as silently as possible, feeling tranquility. Feel serenity for five breaths.
Enjoy tranquil Prana:
Take your awareness to your spine feeling the subtle movement of Prana, an upward force as if a slow stream of water rises up the spine. And feeling the subtle movement of Apana, a downward force, as if a stream of water runs down the spine. Enjoy to the degree that your body disappears and only awareness of Prana and Apana remain as long as you can.
- T F P