1. NAUKA CHALAN (Rowing the boat)

Sit down with your legs straight in front of you, keeping the spine erect.

While breathing in fully, raise your arms up. Make a light fist with palms facing the front. As you breathe out through your lips, slowly bend forward and down, touching your toes.

Breathing in, glide your fists along the outer side of your legs, towards your hips, as if rowing a boat. Lean back until your upper arms are perpendicular to the floor and lower arms parallel and as close as possible to the floor.

Slowly raise your arms as high as you can. Reverse the direction.

Repeat 3 times with your eyes closed.

1. Start Pose

Nauka Chalan Start Pose

2. In Action

Nauka Chalan In Action

3. Final Pose

Nauka Chalan Final Pose

2. CHAKKI CHALAN (Grinding stone)

Sitting down, spread your legs apart as far as you can. Clasp your hands and lean as forward as you can, hands suspended over the floor in front of you.

With the hands still clasped, slowly twist your upper body left (counterclockwise if observing from above), so that the clasped hands go over your left toes. Twist further left so that your right elbow is over and beyond your left knee. Continue leftward and then begin to lean backward, moving in a counterclockwise direction back toward the center, but still leaning back from the waist.

Pause with your clasped hands over your groin region, while leaning as far back as you can.

Now, continue twisting in a counterclockwise direction as you begin to bend forward and to the right bringing your left elbow beyond your right knee. Continue twisting counterclockwise and bending forward so that your hands are over your right toes. Slowly come to the center, bending as far forward as you can. Hold.

Reverse the direction, moving your hands and body in a clockwise direction to the right.

Repeat 3 times with your eyes closed.

Step 1

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2

Step 3

Step 3

3. SUTRA DHARAN (Pulling the rope)

Sitting in squatting position, raise your left arm as high as you can. Grab the imaginary rope hanging over your head. Hold tight and very slowly pull it down until your fist reaches waist level.

Repeat with your right hand.

Repeat 3 times with your eyes closed.

Sutra Dharan

4. VRUKSHA KSHAYA (Chopping the wood)

Sitting in squatting position, clasp your hands. Raise your clasped hands high over your head as if holding an ax in your hands.

Take a deep breath in. With force, bring down your imaginary ax to chop the imaginary wood on the ground in front of you in one shot, exhaling forcefully.

Repeat 3 times with your eyes closed.

Step 1

Vriksha Kshaya Step 1

Step 2

Vriksha Kshaya Step 2


Sit in squatting position with your feet hip width apart. Bring your arms in namaskar (prayerful) posture and extend in front as far away as possible. Let your arms be around the knees and your head down between your upper arms.

Now, slowly raise your head up and push the knees away with your elbows, still holding palms in namaskar position.

Repeat 3 times with your eyes closed.

Step 1

Namaskar Step 1

Step 2

Namaskar Step 2


Sitting in squatting position, bring your arms inside your knees. With your thumbs turned towards you, keep palms on top of the feet. Slide your fingers under the insteps of the feet and hold on to them. Look up and back with no bend at the elbows. Inhale.

While exhaling and slowly putting a downward pressure on your palms, raise your hips up completely so that there is no bend at your knees as you bring your head down and in toward the knees.

While inhaling slowly come back to the starting squatting position, head up.

Repeat 3 times with your eyes closed.

Step 1

Vayu Nishakasana Step 1

Step 2

Vayu Nishakasana Step 2


Sitting in squatting position, put your palms on your knees. Breathe in.

Breathing out, slowly push the right knee to your left toe with your right hand, and twist your spine to the left facing backward over the left shoulder as far back as possible. Try to keep your back erect.

Slowly come back to starting position while breathing in.

Now reverse, Take your left knee to your right toe. Keeping the spine erect, twist to your right. Slowly come back to starting position.

Repeat 3 times with your eyes closed.

Step 1

Udarkarshanasana Step 1

Step 2

Udarkarshanasana Step 2