- Get on all fours- on your palms and knees, with your lower legs parallel to each other and floor. Keep palms in line with your shoulders and knees in line with your hips. Keep your eyes gently closed
- Once in this position, do not move palms, knees or legs.
- While inhaling slowly arch your back, raise your head as if you are looking up and back, keeping your eyes closed. Push the tummy down, coming to Mãrjari Ãsana.
- While exhaling suck in the stomach and raise your back, coming to Parvatãsana.
- Repeat 3 times. Relax.
- Get on all fours- your palms and knees- with your lower legs parallel to each other and floor. Keep palms underneath your shoulders and knees underneath your hips. Keep your eyes gently closed. Once in this position, do not move palms, knees or legs.
- While inhaling slowly arch your back, raise your head as if you are looking up and back, keeping your eyes closed. Push the tummy down coming to Mãrjari Ãsana.
- While exhaling suck bring your hips to your heels. Bend the head so the chins touch your knees. Collapse your body.
- Slowly inhaling come to Mãrjari Ãsana.
- While exhaling come to Parvatãsana.
- While inhaling come to Bhujangãsana.
- While exhaling come to Parvatãsana.
- While relaxing come to sthiti – starting position.
- Repeat 3 times. Relax.
Hari AUM