Shankha Prakshãlana is useful in cleansing the entire digestive tract. It is a series of 5 postures: Tãdãsana, Tiryaka Tãdãsana, Kati Vakrãsana, Tiryaka Bhujangãsana, and Udar Karshanãsana. The sequence of postures is very important. Do the entire ãsana series only twice. Hence, the name Laghu. Once you learn, do them with closed eyes observing effect on your digestive organs.
It will help you to drink warm, saline water, prior to the practice. Drink 2 glasses of water with ¼ teaspoon of salt in each glass. Follow each posture 6 times, before performing the next posture.
You may repeat this entire procedure once only, drinking 2 glasses of water with ¼ teaspoon of salt and remembering to repeat each posture 6 times, before going on to the next posture.
You must do complete cleansing (anything beyond 2 rounds) only under the guidance of an expert.
- Stand with feet parallel and palms on your head, fingers interlaced.

- Raise your arms as you go up on your toes, twisting the palms upward as you breathe in. Feel the stretch along the sides. Upper arms should be in line with the ears. Keep the neck vertical.
- If you feel wobbly, look at a point on the ceiling few feet away from you. This will help you to stabilize the posture.
- Slowly while exhaling, come to starting position.
- Repeat 5 times. Relax. Close your eyes and have deep, uniform breathing.

- Stand with your feet parallel. Stretch your arms up, fingers interlaced, palms up. Feel the side of your body. There should be no bend at the elbows.
- While exhaling and keeping your arms straight, tilt your body sideways to the left. While inhaling, come to the vertical position. Feel the effect on your stomach.
- Now repeat on the right side. This completes one cycle.
- Repeat the cycle 5 times. Relax. Close your eyes and have deep, uniform breathing.

- Stand with your feet parallel. Hands shoulder width apart, stretch your arms out at shoulder level in front of your body without any bend at the elbows. Keep neck vertical. Inhale fully.
- While exhaling and keeping arms straight, twist your body to the left from waist up only. Go as far left as you can.
- While inhaling come to the starting position. Repeat to the right side. This completes one cycle.
- Repeat the cycle 5 times. Relax. Close your eyes and have deep, uniform breathing.

- Balance your body on your palms and toes in the inclined position, body perfectly aligned from head to heels. Look in front of you. Inhale deeply.
- While exhaling, keeping arms straight, twist your body to the left and look over your shoulder. The knees should remain off the floor. Heels may turn to the right, but off the floor.
- While inhaling come to the starting position. Repeat to the right side. This completes one cycle.
- Repeat the cycle 5 times. Relax. Close your eyes and have deep, uniform breathing.
- In squatting position, feet flat on the floor if possible, put your palms on your knees. Inhale.
- Breathing out, slowly push the right knee to your left toe with your right hand, and twist your spine to the left facing backward over the left shoulder as far back as possible. Try to keep your spine erect.

- Slowly come back to starting position while breathing in.
- Repeat on other side taking your left knee to your right toe. This completes one cycle.
- Repeat the cycle 5 times. Relax. Close your eyes and keep your breath deep and uniform.
Hari AUM