- Stand vertical:
- Keeping spine erect, relax your shoulders and feel the weight equally balanced on both feet.
- Keep the palms facing each other, fingers extended, arms at the shoulder level.
- While breathing in, take your hands to the side, palms facing front at shoulder level.
- While exhaling, bring the palms back to front; each action counting to 10.
- Stand vertical:
- Keeping spine erect, relax your shoulders and feel the weight equally balanced on both feet.
- Keep the palms facing each other, fingers extended, arms at the shoulder level.
- While breathing in, raise your hands, palms facing each other, upper arms to the ears.
- While exhaling, bring the palms back to front; each action counting to 10.
- Dog breathing:
- Sit in any comfortable position, preferably Vajrãsana.
- Put your palms on the knees; palms facing the knees, four fingers pointing at each other with the thumb outwards.
- Sit erect with relaxed shoulders, without any bend at the elbows.
Open the mouth wide and extend the tongue out and down like a dog. - Breathe in and out 20 times with audible exhalations and inhalations as if panting.
- Breathe in and out 20 times without any sound during exhalations or inhalations.
- O X:
- Keep your eyes open and bend the neck backwards.
- While pushing your chin upwards, bringing lower jaw in front of upper, say O.
- While pushing your chin down backwards (??), bringing lower jaw in back of the upper, say X.
- Wrist Rotation:
- Extend your arms forward, making a fist, fist facing down.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, twist the wrists so that fist points outwards and away.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, bend the wrists so that fists point inward to the body.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, bend the wrists so that fists point to each other.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, bend the wrists so that fists are pointing to the sky.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, flip the wrists pointing the fists down and front.
- Reverse through each step.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, bend the wrists so that fists are pointing to the sky.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, bend the wrists so that fists point to each other.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, bend the wrists so that fists point inward to the body.
- Inhale deep and uniform. While exhaling, twist the wrists so that fist points outwards and away.
- Bring the fists to original position.
Hari AUM